Sunday, March 19, 2017

Book Cover Design (Part 1) -The Alchemist

The book I last read was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This is my third time reading this book as it is one of my all time favorites.  It is about a the journey of a Shepherd boy that travels to Egypt to find treasure. Along the at he learns many valuable lessons and how important it is to follow your dreams.

For the first design, I thought of having the pyramids in the middle with a camel. This signifies the journey to Egypt and the desert. The back cover will have the text and a smaller image  of the pyramids.


For the second design I thought of having the pyramids with the title written in the middle and underneath a phrase that says "A book about following your dreams." The back cover will again have the pyramids but on the bottom and the text.

For the third designs, I chose to have a sun in the middle with the pyramids inside and an image of the shepherd boy. The title will be on an arc and the authors name will be on the bottom. The back cover will have an image of a bird flying , the pyramids on the bottom and the text in the middle.

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