Saturday, February 25, 2017

Stop Bullying -Part 1

The topic that I chose to raise awareness for is Bullying. I think it has gotten quite bad over the years and needs to be constantly addressed.

The first concept for a poster that I have thought of is called “Zip it”. The first words will be large font and there will be picture of zipped up lips. The underneath that will be rest of the wording in smaller font. I think this concept will grab attention and speaks for itself.

The second concept is a chalkboard with the word Bullying on it being erased by a hand. Underneath that will be the words “Erase Bullying” in large font as well as the words “Speak Up”. I like this concept bullying is becoming a real problem for schools and by showing the chalkboard with the word being erased it gives hope to the whole issue.

The third concept is a poster with the words “Bullying Sucks!” in large font. Underneath that will be a picture of a large colorful lollipop. The colors will be bright and this will help get the attention of people walking by.

I am not sure which concept I will use for this assignment. I believe all three convey the message I am trying to make regarding Bullying. Please let me know which idea you guys like the best. Looking forward to your feedback.



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